Please fill out the information below to join the Upper Pohick Community League!
- Membership entitles you to discounts on our fundraising events (trivia nights, performances, workshops, children’s activities, etc). - Members receive invitations to activities such as our holiday party, potluck picnics, annual business meeting and clean up events. - Members receive a special 10% discount on rental fees for the building for one use per calendar year. - Members vote for our board members and help shape the future of our building and organization. Members in good standing for at least one year are also eligible for positions on our Board of Directors. - Most importantly, membership gives you the opportunity to support local history while networking with other friendly people in your community. MEMBERSHIP DUES:
Membership dues can be paid or renewed by clicking on the button below. You can also send a check to the address below, or drop it off at the schoolhouse during any of our public events. Mailing Address:
UPCL @ Sydenstricker Schoolhouse PO Box 6192 Springfield, VA 22150 |